Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

SP for D

so, a lack of creativity and being stuck at home as i had to collect baby McD from school early as she isn't well. nothing major but the school doesn't like them hanging around when they have even the slightest of colds.

yeah, so, as i was saying no blip today and because of this i have taken up Dolcezza's mini challenge/response from the other day.

so here goes,

Film- fear & loathing in las vegas

book- fear & loathing in las vegas

song- have always liked U2's one and with or without you but to be fair to many to choose. a quick glance at my mp3 would show tracks ranging from, marvin gaye and "mrs jones" to linkin park's collaboration with Jay-Z.

TV- simpsons (futurama was/is better). have been enjoying dexter of late and heroes.

Food- chinese, but do like a lot of italiian dishes. have to admit that i do find eating to be a major hassle and resent the time i have to take out of my day to eat. i still enjoy going out for meals just not what you would call a foodie.

Holiday- halloween, just wish we could get into it in the same way as you folks across the pond.

Vacation- cyprus (now that i have finally been) and anywhere new.

Animals- like most animals but definately a dog person.

Season- summer. love the long light summer nights, plus the warm breeze on a lazy summers night.

Scent- one of my biggest vices, i have lots but in my bag i have armani "mania", boss "motion", lacoste "essental" and the "red" and "orange" ones.................i could go on but you get the idea.
love citrus smelling shower gels though.

Smiles- my daughter always makes me smile as does Mrs McD (most of the time).
random acts of kindness and a song you like coming on the radio at just the right time.

ok this now looks like some sort of bad dating site and it doesn't really tell you that much (which was probably planned). still you at least all know that i smell lovely.

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