A Dream Remembered

By gotmilk

Eppu thinking how to get forward.

Thank you all for your kind comments yesterday. I still don't know what the situation really is. My brother tried calling to our friends father but he was at the hospital, obviously, and therefore couldn't speak. We decided to just wait and see. His parents have enough on their mind without us and everyone else calling so we'll just wait and hope that he'll get through it. Hard to think about anything else really.

My husband went back to work yesterday. His back is really hurting but he is too stubborn to stay home. And at work he wont tell anyone about the pain. I don't like that one bit. I'm afraid he'll break it for good. And his work hours are not 8-9hours but usually 15 hours long and yesterday even longer, of course, such luck. Plus the work is really heavy, such a fool. Have to hope for the best though. And maybe, hopefully, he is right and that the pain will go away.

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