Dreaming Tropical

By dreamtropical

Light at the End of the Archway

It's true...I really am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. It's very exciting. Graduation is just around the corner and my thesis show is coming together excellently. I can see the light, and it's not that far away anymore.

Today was just filled with so much hope and life. The temperature rose into the 70s F/20s C, the sky was clear, the sun was shining, and everyone was outside. It was wonderful. After months of cold, dreary weather, spring has finally arrived.

Waiting sure is hard (especially during those times when it feels like graduation or spring will never come)...but it sure is wonderful when the wait it finally over. It makes you realize that all the waiting and working really is worth it. Eventually the end will come, and it will be wonderful.

(Yes, I did have some fun playing with the Photoshop filters today.)

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