In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

What's going on

"What IS going on?" I asked myself, when I saw this stuffed toy, ( if that is what you can call it? ) sitting, looking forlorn in an apartment window on Hadden Street.
I saw the poor guy as I pulled up into first car on the taxi rank there, looking like a prisoner. His eyes and mouth have been sown up, making the poor guy unable to see where he actually is, and, very much unable to cry for help or assistance.
He most certainly won't be going to the teddy bears' picnic.
And that raises another point; in this modern 21st century world, is it right, or even legal, to discriminate who gets to go to the teddy bears' picnic? What really constitute a teddy bear nowadays? Back when the song was written, I doubt that they had such a plethora of stuffed toys, so there would have been no major problem; but, the obvious exceptions aside, monkeys, giraffes etc, who decides the guest list. And guys like this, who looks like a ninja teddy, without fur, he falls into the middle ground.

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