My Life Is Not Average

By melamny

Rainy Days

After yesterday's glorious weather, today has been a little ... meh ... but it's my 200th Blip today so I'll be positive.

Blip is awesome, to put it plainly. When I started my journal I wasn't convinced I would be able to post every single day - but so far I have - 200 days straight! In the past, I've attempted to write a blog every day but that never happened. There's something in taking the photo that helps, I think.

"My Life Is Not Average" is partly a journal of my own life, but it's also partly to spread the word that everyone has a story, and that everyone's life is interesting and exciting - even if they don't think so. People are so valuable.

Thanks to all those who view and comment on my Blip, my subscribers, and all of you who post wonderful photos that remind me how amazing our world is.

Here's a few of my favourites from the last 100:
Meet me by the wooden bridge
Team 4
Eye Spy

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