Myriad of Memories

By Shamoo

100 Roggys!!!

I had to really didnt I?
Considering she is the subject of most of my blips I thought it fitting to have 100 Roggys on one blip!!
You can count if you like! Took ages, kinda wanted to give up after 20 minutes but it needed to be done!
Havent been on for a few days, things once again rather hectic. But I'm hoping to get back into it now.
Thankyou to everyone on here who has ever commented, favourited, rated or even slated my pics. It really means alot.
I would also like to give a little shout out to everyone who supported me when I quit smoking - which is like 12 weeks and 3 days now!
Also those who cheered me up when I was feeling poopy xxxx
Big loves and hugs to you all xxxxxxx

p.s You gotta go large on this one!

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