an itching in my thumbs

By itchythumbs


This is the Northeast in a nutshell. I was thinking today - I've seen more or less this whole country (a few states notwithstanding) and the Northeast has been my least favorite. Perhaps it is because it bears little in common with Texas - a state that is a collision of regions really, a little bit of the West/Mountains, a little bit of the Midwest, a little bit of the Southeast/forests, a little bit of Mexico... - and so unlike every other region, I see no pieces of home in these vistas.

The anticipation here is killing me. I came home dying to suddenly pack up the whole apartment (I don't leave for over two weeks). It had to be done NOW. I got about 3 boxes done before I freaked out and had to sit down because suddenly shit was too real or something. I'm such an oddity, sometimes.

Texas boy, bless him, assessed the situation quite well: "At first I thought you were describing excitement, but after listening to you for a few minutes it sounds more like crippling anxiety."

I backblipped yesterday, if anyone cares.

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