Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG

How Much Is That Doggy In The Window?

I love Stanley's ruffled shirt - thats what we call his chest hair! This is where he sits in the day, looking out of our big bay window watching the world go by! Nosey buggers these cockers!

Hows your day been? Hello weekend! I have stayed in my PJs all day.......disgusting I know. I am full of cold and have struggled through today...I eventually finished work at 3 and went to bed. I've just woken up and have dosed up on drugs - something I hate doing. I try to take as few pills as possible!

Anyway enough of that. Roast dinner is cooking and hubby will be home soon so all is good in the world. I'm thinking a medicinal G&T will work wonders with my cotton wool head!!

Have a fab weekend everyone, whatever you have planned

PS - Oh thanks for all your AMAZING comments yesterday, they did wonders for my confidence x x x

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