Kinda Before Horrigans

By horrigansbefore

I swear...

... he could dislocate his own jaw to fit in more pasta if he really tried.

The final shot is over on my Kinda Horrians journal. These are just the processing details.

So... the 'after' shot is kinda extreme and to be honest, most of that was born out of desperation because of tiredness.

Opening this shot in Photoshop, I did a few main things to it. First, I dodged the lighter sections of the image used an overlay layer set to 50% grey and a white brush (at about 15%) to bring out some of the area around his eyes. Then, I flattened the layers. After that, using Silver Efex Pro I converted it to black and white. The conversion was deliberately done using a high contrast to bring out the extremes of light and shade so as to give focus to the hand, fork and food. I then used the dodge and burn technique mentioned above to make sure that the lightest bits were properly light and the darkest properly dark. Flattened the layers again, then a teensy bit of sharpening using 'sharpen edges'.

Not 100% convinced, but in the absence of any other shots, this is a rescue job that'll do for today! It's also interesting to see how different one shot can look!

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