Colin Parte

By ColinParte


If I didn't know better, I'd swear these guys almost posed for me this morning. They hadn't and I fired off just one shot which needed a little crop. When I first saw how they were standing, it reminded me of the famous picture of The Last Supper, with fewer apostles! The smaller guy second from the right is the paper seller and rest are his buddies, I think. (Again; nicer in LARGE)

The "one that got away" was an bleach-blonde lady with closely cropped her, who was past me before I got a chance to ask her if I could take her picture. I'd have probably chickened out anyway :/

Thanks for all of the comments and stars on last night's late night Blip of the River Lagan.

*Telly! is what the Belfast Telegraph newsboys shout when flogging the paper, although it is spoken more like telli-YAH!

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