I Witness

By KangaZu

Radio Active Self Portrait

I had to have a routine scan today at the hospital. For this scan a radioactive substance is injected. You then go back 3 hours later for the actual scan. So, I feel like I could be glowing in the dark tonight ~ hence the photo. I played with the saturation again to create this glowing look.

On the way to the hospital this morning I got a lecture from an older gentleman that thought I was following him too closely. Which, of course, I was! But only because I was delayed by some yahoo at the bank drive through. The conversation went something like this:

Him: You need to back off a little. Don't follow me so close.

Me: I have an appointment that I am going to be late for. And if you were going the speed limit I wouldn't have to tailgate you.

Him: Well, if I had to stop quickly you might run into me.

Me: Well, then it would be my fault wouldn't it. Have a great day.

And with that I drove on!

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