SAH on Blipfoto

By sahfotoblip

Ebay Fest...

I have been kayaking for 21 years... but this boat is the wrong one for me so its up for sale on ebay right now.

I'm going to take my time to find another, but I think it will definitely be longer than this one.

This one puts a whole new meaning to... 'does my bum look big in this!' which reminds me, the diet fest starts again this week!

I'm getting a bit frustrated because I can't do a great deal of exercise (though I am going diving on Thursday see how I fair) at the moment as I have Bursitis in my right foot. I was at the hospital the other week and after an initial poking and proding the Dr said they would be going down the surgery route, but just to confirm his suspicions and diagnosis he sent me for further x-rays, on receiving them he revised his diagnosis to Bursitis. He then apparently referred me back to my GP to have a cortisone injection administered by them. I was quite hopeful I could get it over with quite quickly especially as I am on school holidays, until I received a letter telling me I am on a waiting list to have it administered at the hospital instead (they actually didn't tell me what I was on a waiting list for but a little investigating has given me confirmation). Cue a little more frustration as they have changed the hospital and if I am on a waiting list the chances of me getting it done over the school holidays are slim, especially as the consultants secretary is on holiday...

Ho Hum... I won't be hurrying to replace the kayak!

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