200 in 2011

It's 8:30 and it's been one of those interesting days.

200 blips in and this project is going mainly well. I think. You are the best judges of that, mind you. Assuming that the three readers are regulars and not just three randoms every day!

Today was also worth noting for a few other reasons. It's 13 years since I started working for Standard Life. At 9:00 I appeared at the larger of two Standard Life buildings on Annandale Street, Edinburgh to start a six-month temporary contract. The work, for this in-need-of-work-aspiring-musician was to collect and deliver microfiche to and from another building, twice a day, and also look after original documents that were needed as part of our departments work. There was a subsidised canteen, paid holidays and a free drinks machine. Luxury.

Clearly that contract was extended and a fair few roles later I am where I am. Which is quite something, given today I had my first real conversation with my new boss about my role in our revised structure.

I then proceeded to spend time with friends (helping them get ready to move house tomorrow) and en route there bumped into a former bandmate and then a former colleague.

And I bought some Baklava at lunchtime too.

Packing the van was fun, but as it wasn't finished at 8:30, here's a wee memento of the 200 mark. It's not my finest shot, is it? Especially when I'm a year behind.

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