Every photo tells a story

By 5strings1


You know when you tell a dog that they are a bad dog, and they just look at you as if to say, ...." do you mean you didn't want me to do this?" This reminds me of the time I got home from work, and settled down with a can, while she who must be obeyed went to her shift at work. The kids had been fed and watered and where in their jim-jams. It was realy quiet, and even though I have a very bad sense of smell, I got a very strong paint smell. David, who was then about 3, had picked up a 4 inch emulsion brush and had painted a 4 inch line across the living room, including the sideboard and his baby sister. I worked flat out for the next 2 hours cleaning up the mess, and if I have one wish for life, it is that when people have finished painting, please put the lid on. And the moral is, when it is surprisingly quiet, it just means that the brown stuff is about to hit the fan.

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