my corner of the world

By Vic

Jasmine's back!

Our visitors have gone so today has been a bit of a non-day really. Involved lots of washing and drying and tidying! Place looked like a bomb had gone off! The kids were happy playing out together while the adults sorted! Feels so quiet now. But calm!
Can't tell you how happy I am that john and Jasmine are back. Missed them so much. Jasmine is very tired today so has done a lot of lying down and grunting! She's very down on herself at the moment that she's big, fat and ugly. Those pesky hormones are messing with her again! It's hard growing up. I think she's beautiful but she won't have it.

Thank you so much for all your lovely comments yesterday about my horse and Jaden photo. I had a certain idea in my head and it hadn't come out as planned. You helped me to see different good things in it. Thank you so much. You're such lovley people xxx

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