
By MissU2

Rhubarb on it's way

This is one of the rhubarbs in our allotment garden on it's way up!

I am still digging for the new hedge - lots of roots from the old lilac hedge as well as stones of various sizes to remove before we can plant the privet hedge.

Many thanks for all your nice comments yesterday and before. I am glad you seem to appreciate that I'm trying to share a bit of my botanical knowledge here!

Hope you are all having a great weekend!/Z (and M says hi, too!)

Extra bonus for those who read Swedish:


- Ge rum, jag vill opp,
sa Rabarberknopp.
Så sprängde han med sin röda topp,
men jorden sa stopp:
-Du får lugna dig lite, Rabarberknopp!

- Ge plats, jag vill opp,
sa Rabarberknopp,
han svällde av styrka, han glödde av hopp,
-pass på, jag vill opp,
jag vässar min topp,
jag känner hur våren gror i min kropp!

-Tittut, tittopp,
nu sticker han opp,
nu hälsar han glatt med sin röda topp
och svaras av kvittrande fåglars tropp: -Välkommen hitopp,
välkommen, välkommen Rabarberknopp!

Elsa Beskow

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