Seeing is believing

By hoover

Come dine with me

Not a lot of time for blipping today unfortunately, I'm supposed to be cooking a feast fit for queens.

I'm fast approaching turning 30 and I think it's a sign of my age that I've started having dinner parties. To say I'm not exactly happy about leaving my 20's would be the under statement of the century. I now have grown up dinner parties on a grown up dinner table, in a grown up home, with a grown up job to pay for a grown up mortgage. But I feel very far from being a grown up.

I even bought a new dining table. No cheap 'n' chatty tables here, this is a solid piece of furniture. I should know, I was on bread and water for several months paying for it. Hoover found the arrival of the new table rather confusing, and spent some time underneath the table. I joined her and our view inspired today's blip. Not the best of shots, but not to worry. It's great seeing things from a dog's perspective at times.

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