Blipper's Daily (?)

By blipper

Progress (?) and Civilisation

During both my recent holiday in France and last weeks business trip to Germany I reflected much upon the twin topics of progress and civilisation. In particular I have always been somewhat dismayed/appalled/upset by the fact that if one 'had to spend a penny' whilst in Europe one literally has to spend a penny (or more correctly a Euro of fraction thereof depending on how much profit the particular operator of the 'facility' wished to accumulate. I would get quite irate when visiting establishments such as the ubiquitous McDonalds where after parting with some money to purchase food and beverages to consume on the premises I would then have to pay them yet more money to use their facilities to get rid of the by products arising from the consumption of their produce! I always felt quite smug to think 'well at least at home we provide this basic human requirement free of charge'...made me feel quite proud that our country was so civilised. can forget all that nonsense....seems we are going the same uncivilised route as all these other uncivilised countries. Our local (manned and free) public toilet is being replaced by superloo for which you have to pay...grrrrr!!

PS: On a more refined and uplifting note I watched a great documentary this evening on THe Camera That Changed the World.

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