
By karenjulia

Tale of woe....

I took a couple of shots of Maggie-cat's tail lying on the cream tiles for my theme but the floor looked really dirty so I couldn't put them up!! Instead you get these lovely freesias that were given to me by mum when she came over Sunday night - they are beautiful.

I was bemoaning the lack of my DSLR yesterday. This morning the shop rang to say it was back! Yay! So I fought Blenheim Road traffic at 5pm to get to Tower Junction.

They were sorry they couldn't give me my camera because they had to process the charge with the warranty company.
So why did you call me?
We shouldn't have.
Can I have my camera?
No. We can courier it to you. Will you be home to sign for it?

So I had to fight the traffic back up Blenheim Road home and have to do it again later in the week. I should have thrown myself on the floor and kicked and screamed!

Lovely email from Kariba updating the family on study and social life. She is home in 2 weeks for the weekend. That's a nice note to end on!

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