Rump of Wren

Home is where your rump rests.
, The Lion King

This small brown House Wren is working non-stop with her mate feeding their babes. I'm not new to bird watching, but I'm new to really seeing all that takes place, thanks to blip. I've watched the wrens many days now and witnesses some house cleaning that I never thought about. Often you see the parent go in with insects and come out with what I'll politely call a bundle of dirty diapers for disposal...

Nestling's nasties...

More nasty info...

T worked and fiddled with the Mac last night and managed to restore our cable connectivity, but our wireless connection is not working, could be our Airport/Time Machine has given up the ghost. It says all is well, but it won't accept the usual password. I was able to sleep last night knowing I wouldn't have to blip with just my iPhone this morning...addiction.

Yoga Pose

Scolding, Wren style

Catbird on a wire

For the Record,
This day came in as yesterday, sunny, hot and humid.

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