
By Clairexx


Seeing as I haven't done my blip for a while I thought maybe I'd do a proper blip blog post. I saw this spider in the bathroom this morning and my immediate thought was 'I'm scared'! But, am I really? What is scared?

The definition of scared - to be thrown into a state of fear, fright or panic

Does a spider really throw me into a panic??

Everyone is scared of something, we all get scared and anyone who says they're not is lieing. But there are depths of being scared. My small fear of spiders is one thing, but what of my true fears, being truely scared goes deeper than that.

I'm scared I will die and leave my children without a mother...
I'm scared I have no idea what I'm doing everyday and make it up as I go along...
I'm scared I have no idea what wil happen or where I'll be next week, let alone next month or next year...

All of these are proper fears, but as someone once said 'courage is the art of being the only one who know's you're scared to death'

And possibly the scariest thing in life is getting what you want because then you have the most to lose.

Without research on Google, which I don't have time to do, the first 'scared quote' that comes to mind is from one of my favourite chick flick movies, Dirty Dancing -
Baby to Jonny 'I'm scared of walking out of this room and never feeling the rest of my whole life the way I feel when I'm with you'

And to think... all this talk about being scared came from seeing a huge (well, ok medium sized!) spider in my bathroom!

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