point and press

By crispinhj



Fourteen bags going out this week plus one from the normal household stuff and seven black bags of rubbish!

Last week four more of recycling and four of rubbish

I'm clearing the office - partly to make space for the guests arriving in August, partly to make space to move next year, partly to make space in my head.

Should be able to finish this next week - then on to phase two.

I'm ashamed to say there are "treasures" I have been carting round for at least a couple of moves and though I like them they're going to have to go>

Such things as mahogany double dark slides and other bits of photographic paraphanalia that came with a wonderful bellows camera I bought when I was a student with the idea of using it one day ........

Now I need to de-clutter and much of this will just have to go

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