
By grounded

My baby is back!

Right guys.... I'm really sorry to have been so quiet. A lot on my mind right now. I have popped one back-blip up for you to fill the gap but let me update you.

You know my baby's turbo blew the other week. Well last night it came home so I thought I'd show you it looking happy with a brand new shiny BMW turbo under it's bonnet. Here's hoping the new turbo will last 6 years/100,000 miles like the last one. This car is a keeper! I love it and have had it from new 6 years ago.

What's on my mind? Well you know we are trying to sell our house so we can move north for me to start at college as a minister-in-training... but after dropping the price twice there is still no sale. We have stressed a bit, wondered what God is up to, what we are meant to learn etc etc. Why does He not make someone fall in love with it and buy it? Ours is not to question or understand sometimes... but He does give us a brain and I think He expects us to use it! So the plan.... if no buyer appears by the end of August we plan to look for someone to rent it and we will look to rent up north.

Right now, we both have a week off work, so yesterday we chilled (and cleaned before a viewing) but our treat was going out to see Harry Potter 7 Pt 2. Is it just me... I don't think Daniel is a good actor, he still seems stiff after all these films. Hubby disagrees... so maybe it's just me!

Today's treat was to go play golf and what a cracking day it was. Sun shone bright!

Tomorrow.... well you will just need to wait for the blip!

Oh and thanks to a friend mentioning my blip in her blog today..... C, you made me grab my camera and get back on track with letting the world know what Grounded is up to!

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