mrs monochrome

By mrsmonochrome

Spaghetti Bolognese

Aidan loves spaghetti, he eats each strand (?) individually. It takes quite a long time but he's happy so I'm happy.

Cleaned all of downstairs in the house today. Perhaps slightly over the top but I have put signs up where I don't want people walking with their shoes on. I figure shoes trampling through the house and up & down the stairs is making the majority of the mess. If shoes are removed at the door my cleaning tasks should be reduced. Everyone wins :)

Logan has been a bit unsettled this afternoon which got in the way of my cleaning. Sometimes I get caught up in a task and forget that my 'real' job is being mummy. Tools were quickly downed so that mummy cuddles could be administered.

My parents were over this evening helping put the boys to bed. The boys actually behaved really well and went down fine. Mr Mono is away at his Kendo class so I am having a well deserved cold beer, yum!

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