Flowers In Your Hair

By bethanyanne


Tuesday of the New York mission trip.

Insanely hot and humid every day, and on this particular day we had to wear jeans for our first work site (a soup kitchen). Then we went to Sakura Park to help the horticultural team maintain it, so I got a lot of really pretty pictures. We only ended up having to work for about a half hour, which is craaaaazy, because most worksites we were at for three or four hours. After we finished working, the director took us on a little tour of Grant's Tomb and a few really beautiful churches. He told us all kinds of neat facts and history of the place.

For example: Sakura Park is a dedication to Japan, as a thank-you for their gift of 2,000 cherry blossom trees to the United States: a gift that had to be sent twice, because the first ship sank!

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