
jkj10 (challenge) was nudging me last week in terms of "when are we going to see another portrait of a professional woman! Had a meeting today with Morag and she kindly obliged.

She is a District Procurator Fiscal within the Scottish Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service. What does a PF do?

The police (or other Specialist Reporting Agencies, eg. Customs and Excise) carry out an initial crime investigation and submit a report to the local Procurator Fiscal

The Procurator Fiscal considers this report and decides whether to take any action in relation to this case. This decision is taken in the public interest

In taking this decision, the Procurator Fiscal will consider if there is sufficient evidence in the case

If there is sufficient evidence, the Procurator Fiscal will then decide what action is appropriate, eg. to prosecute, offer a direct measure (such as a fiscal fine) or to take no action in the case. The Procurator Fiscal considers a number of factors in coming to this decision.

In cases which will be considered by a jury, the Procurator Fiscal will interview witnesses and gather and review the forensic and other evidence before a decision to prosecute is taken. S/He will then make a report to Crown Counsel to take a decision on whether to prosecute.

(from the Crown Office web site).

She performs in musicals, leads in Guides, and is very busy! She has been a good friend for a long time. She is on a newly formed Legal and Polity Group in the same organisation I serve as Convenor of Education and Learning. Better get it right then!

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