
By Ilaria

Dandelion fluffiness....

I think this is a Dandelion?? Incredibly fluffy!! The sun was out....shining down on could I resist?? It's very beautiful....I love it's shininess and softness....

Actually had a busy day today. Got bored being the took myself off for some pampering!! Got a very nice haircut...after a little discussion about the logistics...since I couldn't get my hair washed there!!! But boy did it need it....and maybe is a woman's thing...but a new hairdo sure does something to cheer you up!!!

Then went off to meet a friend for coffee and chat!! Finally went home via the park!! Now....I did lots of things...but nothing too energetic!! I'm shattered but smiling and MUCH happier today!!! Oh....and I dropped into work briefly...and enjoyed a quick chat and nice comments about the hair!!! Lol!!!

So....a good day!!! Have a good evening folks!!! :-))))

The shot had a couple of little spots erased from the grass....isn't dusting and hoovering your photos much more fun than doing the same in the house!!!!! LOL!!!!

Thanks for getting little SOLDIER BEETLE into the REAL Spotlight!!!

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