horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Spider Light

There was just something in this shot's abstractness that I liked. A spider lit by a traffic sign light under which it had spun its web as I sat with a friend, Darren, looking for otters. Once again that was fruitless, but...

Earlier on, staking out a secret location, we did see the badgers he'd told me about. In fact we found the sett, and plans are afoot for photo action (tonight the duskiness scuppered any shots, with more success trying to get shots of the bats whirling about - but we have ideas for lighting rigs and so on that won't disturb the beasts...).

My first badgers, and only briefly, but they were absolutely fab. Made my day.

And not a bad day after yesterday's nonsense. My line manager asking to have a chat this morning not long after we'd both arrived and providing a deal of comfort. Then at lunchtime I bought a new Moleskine notebook, enough for a smile in itself, but I also started writing the play I've been formulating for a while (while sitting watching tourists take in the castle).

So the badgers really really rounded off the day nicely.

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