Genuine Italian Pizza

Just like Mama used to make. Probably. Not my Mama she preferred meat and gravy with a splattering of greens.

This is a classy establishment on the Tower Estate in Lincoln. It evokes passions of real Italy for me. I can imagine being sat outside on a balmy evening sipping an ice cold Peroni and enjoying some fine cuisine. Imagine my dismay when I discovered the slop they refer to as pizza is no more than a bread base with a dolmio sauce smothered on top. If you showed a Dolmio sauce to an Italian person they'd kick you in the knackers for such a slur on their culture.

They don't even sell Peroni here and as for sitting outside, you'd be better sitting outside a beehive with a jar of honey poured over your genitals.

I don't like this place. How dare they even entertain claiming to be purveyors of Italian Cuisine? It's run by an Indian gentleman anyway, but apparently Indian food is 'too bloody foriegn' for the knuckle dragging BNP activists on the Tower. Italy has connections with fascism so that fits in nicely with the ethos of the estate.

"We'll clean up this town, before it turns rotten. Your granddad didn't vote for fascists, he shot 'em"

I recall actually being in Italy, sat on the edge of the Piazzo Del Campo in Siena eating strips of steak drizzled with an exquisite oil and picking at numerous bowls of rich and varied pasta. At no point was my food served in a plastic tray, nor did it dribble grease from said tray down my jeans.

I'm having a few punctuation issues at the moment as well. I've convinced myself that :) is actually punctation and allowed under the rules of the Queens English. I also get jittery if I don't use a comma every six or seven, words.

In other news I've been playing a bit with CS5, a few tutorials here and a bit of aimless dabbling there. I wanna stray away from heavily treating my shots and aim to actually take a few good shots. Yesterday was a start but today I've fallen off t'wagon.

My day working at home was ace. At around 2pm I decided to indulge myself with a little continental style siesta. Next thing I knew it was 5pm and I'd not finished what I needed to, resulting in me scanning my little rump off until it was time for 'Not Going Out' with Lee Mack.

That guy is funny. I'd love to do stand up.

I've had to edit this because for some reason I don't proof read and end up publishing error strewn gibberish. Sorry

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