mrs monochrome

By mrsmonochrome

Young love

This is Aidan and his little friend S.

This morning we (Aidan, Logan, me, S and her mum G) went to Monkey Music in the Edinburgh Festival. It was really good but I think Aidan has already forgotten about Monkey Music and was very shy at first. He was also hungry and did perk up near the end after he'd had some raisins.

After Monkey Music we had planned to have a picnic but as the weather was terrible we all came back to our house and had our picnic indoors. Aidan ate a huge lunch. He doesn't normally eat much for lunch at home but I think having his wee friend here encouraged him. He always eats lunch well at nursery so I think he possibly enjoys the company.

It was very hard to get a good photo of the two of them together as they kept moving. This photo is a little fuzzy but I like it.

Logan did really well at Monkey Music and fell asleep in the Bjorn even though he was due a feed. He waited patiently until we got back home. Now both boys are asleep and I'm catching up on a bit trash TV before the fun begins again :)

Looking at the one year ago photo reminded me that there were lots of things making me feel sick at that time, I was overly tired and emotional too. Yet I still didn't realise for another 3 weeks that I was pregnant with Logan. Doh!!

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