Point de Vue

By Alsacienne

Location, location, location

is the motto of every real estate agent worth their salt. And this critter has taken it to heart.

For the last couple of weeks now, it has set up its web nightly, always on the same spot, on the overhang to our roof about a foot from one of our outside lights. It is remarkably efficient, weaving its web in a matter of minutes. It then settles in and waits for all manner of flying insects to come flutter around the light only to end up as a choice morsel in the web. It is lightingly quick at wrapping its prey into small cocoons, to degustate later.

By morning, the spider and its web are gone. I assume it spends the rest of its day, satiated, resting for its evening activities. I'm starting to look forward to its nightly returns! :)

This was taken in the wee hours of the morning, on another one of my sleepless nights.

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