Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam

A Very British Summer!

Better large I think.

Well nothing says 'the children are on their summer break' like today's Blip does it?

Work this morning, but while Noah was taking a nap this afternoon, H and I decided to venture out for a spot of fresh air. We had the world to ourselves and didn't see another soul. I don't know why people shy away from walking in the's fab. We splished and sploshed around the lake and we both discovered, at roughly the same point, that our Wellies had sprung leaks...but that just gives us an excuse to buy new ones, in brighter colours :-)

Then we played Ludo. If there is a more soul-destroying game in the whole world I haven't yet discovered it. Three times I got all the way round the board only to be sent back to base by my demonic eight-year-old. It might have gone on all night but fortunately H's friend called round for him. Thank Heavens George doesn't mind the rain either!

And thanks so much for all the wonderfully kind comments on yesterday's Blip. It was just me, playing with my imagination and 'what if?'... I never expected it would attract so much attention!

Edit: I must just point out that Bob works from home. We didn't just leave Noah on his own taking a nap!

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