Summer days away - vol 2

8:30 in the morning and the sun is out. But here's a flavour of the morning's activities with the weeWeir.

One of the things I'm enjoying as we take time away (and unplugged from the outside) is to have time as a family. Just the three of us. No Facebook, Twitter, Google Reader or the like. No smartphone games either.

Okay, we did watch the West Wing last night, but that's okay as that's a shared experience!

Today we visited the Landmark Centre, had a blast playing on the climbing frames, doing the tree-top trail, climbing the fire tower (as least the weeWeir and I did), and eating our picnic lunch in the rain.

That was shortly followed by me being *volunteered* to take the weeWeir on the water slides. For the un-initiated, this involved sitting in an inflatable dinghy and descending from a great height on a variety of plastic chutes, with water on them for extra zip. Thing is that while I'm alright with heights, I'm not great at descending from them at a great pace - slide or no slide. Apparently I was a little grey when I came off. Not like this morning's drawings at all.

This afternoon we went for a stroll around Granton-on-Spey and then home as the rain cleared. Added bonus was picking up some local-made Empire Biscuits.

Holidays are great.

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