The Photo Diary of Alison

By alisoncrawford

Pisces heart

How much stock to you put into the zodiac? Born a Pisces, symbol being a fish, I seem to be drawn to water. Perhaps that is human nature, but perhaps it does have something to do with birth patterns or some sort of astrological charts ancient civilizations created long ago. I am interested, but I take everything with a grain of salt. I don't follow horoscopes at all, but in recent times have enjoyed reading personal analysis of the signs.
I live in such a beautiful place; if you've never been to the Texas hill country, I recommend it. There's plenty of exploring to do, and plenty of new secrets that I am always finding out about. Why have I been deprived of these waterfalls for such a long time? Joe is here and we've had a pretty nice weekend. Thanks for coming up, Joe!

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