
Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough. - Oprah Winfrey

Busy bird and small animal morning, lots of models. The wrens are still tending to housebound babies, but not for much longer, one looks ready to go to me. Off to painting soon, I'll finish up my Machiasport Lane painting and perhaps start another... if things go well.


Machiasport Lane oil painting, completed

Let me out!!!

This is mine, notice the head feathers raised in anger

Morning chipmunk

Chickadee on a wire


We need the Geek Squad or something, our wirelsss has given up the ghost and the cable modem connection goes in and out. Luckily all is working at this moment.

For the Record,

This day came in warm, sunny, with low humidity, but a rainy spell is on the way.

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