
By middleman


Spent most of the day in and around the wonderful Botanical Gardens. Three adults and four children who all got on just great for the entire day. We even managed a nice teatime pint and a canal walk home with (virtually) no complaints from tired little legs.

This little fella on the picture is our pals' youngest boy, and he's going to be 2 on Sunday. I'm sure he's going to be just as super-cute for the next year to come as well. A special advanced Happy Birthday to him in the meantime.

Musically, I'm leaning towards some thematically-appropriate ambient French electronic gear today, in particular something from an album that I used to absolutely love when it came out, Musiques Pour Les Plantes Vertes, a compilation of downtempo, dare I say it, chillout tracks on Laurent Garnier's veritable F Comm label. This really does take me back.

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