Mice Naps

By kimsim

Love ...By Order of Me

After a fab day yesterday that included a random chat with a girl who runs a jewellery & paintings stall in Fittie and one of her customers, I had another fab day today with more randomness.

A sound of a ringing phone emanates from a red telephone box... should you answer it? If you do you probably won't expect to be asked such questions as "what certain event in your future frightens you the most?" or "have you ever been really close to someone and if so what did it feel like?" ...you'd be amazed at what you'll tell the stranger on the end of a phone!

This was part of Culture Crush, Aberdeen's weekend of creativity as part of London 2012 Open Weekend supported by BP, in association with Creative Scotland.

Along with many other events, including the opportunity to swap a story for a haircut, the National Theatre of Scotland displayed the workings behind their project 'By Order of Me': an installation on the Broad Hill with signs created by local school children, but instead of reading things such as "No Ball Games - by order of Aberdeen City Council", they say things like this. Some of the signs are really quite profound.

This would be my own 'By Order Of Me' sign.

You can pick up a postcard, create your own sign and stick it on the wall in their space in the Academy. There were already a few good ones up... would great to see them all at the end of the weekend.

What an ace way to spend a few hours!

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