
By appertunity

Know Thine Enemy


1. a. One who slaughters and dresses animals for food or market. b. One who sells meats.

2. One that kills brutally or indiscriminately.

3. A vendor, especially one on a train or in a

4. One who bungles something.

[Middle English bucher, from Old French bouchier, from bouc, boc, he-goat, probably of Celtic origin.]


1. One who practices vegetarianism.

2. A herbivore.

The practice of subsisting on a diet composed primarily or wholly of vegetables, grains, fruits, nuts, and seeds, with or without eggs and dairy products.

Know thine enemy

I took this shot of a butcher in Bradford's market today.

I've been a vegetarian for over 20yrs & it's for a whole host of reasons but I think compassion is the overriding one.

There are lots of things we do for pleasure that we would never do if it resulted in the pain & suffering of animals.

I've yet to hear a good argument for eating meat but I've never heard one!

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