Hmm this sounds so mighty familiar

Is it something linked to the festival perhaps, or is it just extremely weird that one year ago, our neighbours and further away Accountants ran into 'issues' with their alarm system, at either 3am or 5am. First thing I thought as I jumped out of bed to answer the call of the alarm was, 'Are they stealing accounting pens and paper or are they going for calculators?' I sprinted along to save our local accountant from hordes of rampaging looters only to discover that no one was actually there, ransacking the offices. Actually, I think I am a bit disappointed if the truth be told that this was not the case, given the number of times their 'highly (d)effective' security system has woken up the neighbourhood over the years.

So well I wanted to get up with a bit of a sore head at 5am anyway, it is truly the only way to start a weekend after an extremely long week.

The sun shone this morning as I eased myself back to the land of the living with a variety of clothes washes, dishes and the like. Picked up the 'sleepover two' who had a great time.

Plans are afoot tonight with a selection of the local neighbourhood men to go along, to dismantle the awesome alarm system. Just please don't tell the police. I have had more dealings with them in the last week than I have in 10 years.

Oh and what is it with hover flies, quite simply the most curious insect I think I have ever encountered. They are not scared and they seemingly really look you in the eye. This one even stuck his tongue out for me.

I love this chat of addiction to debt, I couldn't agree more.

Back blip from yesterday here


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