
By Nigel


As I will be shooting a friends' wedding in September I thought it was time I got the big camera out again and regained some familiarity with having eveything accessible through the use of tactile knobs, dials and switches rather than the less satisfactory menu system that the digital has. I'm also a bit excited about all those markings on the lens barrel that allow for a nice easy hyperfocal set up so one can just click away without having to worry about focussing too much. I bet it rains all weekend and I never get to use it :)

International beer day today so I went to All bar one for a few Rothaus wheat beers after work. As our small company has expanded quite rapidly in the past few months it has been more difficult to keep up with people so it was very pleasant to have just three of us, like minded individuals, out for a good chinwag.

I continued with the drinking but switched to wine when I got home and was thoroughly incoherent when Jen came home but very enthusiastic about Rick Stein's Spain. Like many TV Chefs he can go on a bit and get a bit repetitive and dull but the food and the scenery had me longing for another trip to Andalucia.

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