Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG

My Gorgeous Blip Girls x

What a fab day. I met Miss B today, and LilyTheLab Minus Lily came to surprise Miss B too. Nothing like a bit of retail therapy on a Saturday afternoon. We had such fun and we didnt even get chance for a G&T!!! I remembered to take posh dog biscuits for the girls to take home for the pups from the boys!

I tell you these girls are fab - we are all very like minded. We all went crazy in Cath Kidston and all came out with bags. I bought the COOLEST cool bag with badges all over it - V pleased with it. But Mr G did ask if we need another one?? Silly question really! I also bought Mr G's bro a TShirt for his BDay but Mr G wants to keep it! Hmmmmm.

I bought some Christmas presents and ticked some gifts off my list! Nothing like being organised!

Home now and one of my girls friends is round for takeaway. Have fun y'all x x x

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