Rachel's Journey

By ArcaneSpark


Was due to be working this weekend, which on the outset may sound bad, but in reality it should have been a good day as was partnering my friend S, with whom migrations are always better!

With S taking the early stint I had some free time in the morning which enabled me to go and see my friend Karen who was running a stand in the Peace Gardens for there face painting company (Pretty In Paint). As she was chained to the stall (figuratively speaking) I brought her a coffee for which she offered to face paint me. Now going into work all I could muster was a "hand tattoo". This was meant to be ironic, as it could be my last set of migrations before I go on maternity leave, however from then in everything about the day became ironic, including finishing early tonight in a further behind state than any other migration lol I had such high hopes for today.

Never mind back in at 8am to continue!

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