All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

While you were sleeping

So much for hubbie & I having a lie-in this morning while Ethan was having a sleepover at Granny & Grandpa's house. We were woke up by our cat, Obi, at 6.10am and couldn't get back to sleep. So we were both up and about by 6.30am. Ho hum!

Granny & Grandpa arrived back with Ethan just before lunch. He was very clingy with them and clearly wanted more cuddles from them, rather than coming to hubbie and & I. He wasn't himself at all and wouldn't eat any lunch. Granny & Grandpa headed home after lunch and hubbie & I drove to Bathgate with Ethan so we could feed Foreveryoungs cats while she's away for the weekend.

Ethan fell asleep in the car on the way home and slept for over an hour. When he woke, I took him in the house and he was still not right. He snuggled up on my chest and lay there for ages, before waking again and cuddling up to me on the sofa and watched tv. We NEVER do this, partly cos I try not to have the tv on in the daytime and partly cos he never sits still. He has a cough which can best be described as "barking" and was getting really miserable. A dose of calpol seemed to help though and we then had lots of fun playing in the conservatory with his toys. He ate a wee bit of dinner, then we had a shower together (he seems to prefer showers to baths some nights now) and then he went off to bed without a fuss.

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