Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes

The Happiest Place on Earth

Disneyland.....truly THE happiest place on Earth.

My Aunt summed it up perfectly when she said, "Disneyland just makes you feel so special. And then you look around at the 50,000 people around you and realize that they all feel just as special as you do".

And it is so true. Everywhere you look, there is imagination and creativity at its finest. Yes it is crowded, but it is magical and soon the focus on the crowds starts to fade away. The reflections of happiness and awe could been seen in our kid's eyes all throughout the day.

We went to Disneyland with my family, my parents, my sister's family, and my Aunt, Uncle and three of our cousins. My husband hadn't been since the 4th grade and it made me smile seeing the magic of Disney shining in his eyes as well.

It was a very neat experience for the kids to be able to be there with their Nona and HP. My parents felt like kids again seeing the excitement in their grandchildren's faces. Our nephew had no fear and went on ALL of the rides. Our son got a bit spooked on 'Pirates' but afterwards fell in love with the Pirate sword that one of my cousins bought for each of the boys. And when he picked out his Disneyland tshirt, he picked the 'Pirate Mickey'. Yes the ride scared him. But I think that deep down he is proud to be able to say that he went on it. He will be the first to tell you that he didn't see much of it though due his hat pulled over his eyes and his fingers in his ears. And our daughter, well she fell in love with the 'Winnie the Pooh' ride and went on it twice with my parents.

All day long, we followed my cousin's brilliant plan of using the fast track system. The longest that we stood in line all day was twenty minutes. And that was for 'Buzz Lightyear'. We weren't rushed. The kids did great. No tears or meltdowns, just smiles and laughing. It really was one of our most favorite days. Everything just worked out. And I will thank my cousins over and over for all of the shoulder rides that they gave to the kids throughout the day. As well as the Daddy's and HP. I am so happy that we were able to experience this together. The look on my daughter's face when Tinkerbell waved to her was beyond precious. And when my Aunt let her pick out a stuffed animal from one of the little stores, she picked Tinkerbell.

This blip is a photo that I captured during the Firework show. It was magnificent. The entire show was choreographed to music and it was the only exhibit that could quiet a crowd of thousands of people. This is the blip picture that sums up our day. The magical castle lit up in blue with bursts of light exploding over it. Disneyland, truly the happiest place on Earth.

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