Lemmys Space

By Lemmy

Our Patio!

Last year we decided to treat ourselves to a
new patio, the old one was over 20 years old
the slabs were cracked and worn, the grand
kids used to skateboard on it lol.
We found these concrete sleepers and thought
they would look nice, everyone thinks they are
old wooden sleepers, they are quite realistic.
It was a lot of hard work, especially for Mr L
they are very heavy, but well worth it.
I decided to change my name from Ghillie
he was our big rottie, but sadly he suffered
from epilepsy, we thought we had it under
control for a while, but he got worse and
started having clusters, it was horrible to
see him suffering, so he was put to sleep
earlier this year, he was one great big soft
lump and wouldn't have hurt a fly. I guess
this was a wee tribute to him.
Our weather as you can see from my foto
is rubbish, rain all night, I feel sorry for the
farmers trying to harvest the hay and other
Happy Sunday blippers.

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