The love of my life

Happy 13th Anniversary to me and my wonderful husband Max, I couldn't have a kinder, more thoughtful, talented, caring, handsome lovely man, I don't know how I managed to nab him but thank goodness I did, I love you darling and it's been great having some time to ourselves xxxx

Max's lovely photo of us :-)

We had a great time last night watching movies, drinking champagne and nipping out to the local gastro pub for mussels!

The children are away at my Dad's so today we went to Strawberry Hill House, it's really near us and recently restored, what a beautiful place! Gothic splendour! The main thing that struck us was the beautiful natural light and use of colour throughout, stunning!
Much as I love them it was great not to have the children there and a real pleasure to go at our own pace and enjoy the experience.

We had a delicious lunch there too ;-)

The boys are due back in an hour or so and my Dad and his wife Aselle are staying for dinner.

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