My quiet space

By JuliaS

Touch down

I spent a lot of the afternoon chasing various bees, crickets and butterflies around my front garden - with the help of T & H - goodness knows what the neighbours think!!

Fortunately my immediate neighbour is lovely and doesn't mind me and the kinds trampling all over her garden ... which is good because most of the lovely flowers I photograph are hers!!

So I have ended up with a selection of photos of bees today - this one is my favorite as the bee is so clear you feel like you can almost reach out and touch it and the wings are beating so fast they are just a blur. The little fella was literally just landing.

Managed to get one of him coming in to land, another as he left, and a lovely clear one of him sat on the flower doing what bees bees do best.

Hope you all had a lovely weekend.

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