just allan

By allan

Pancake Place

Breakfast Chez Kelly. We had a couple of wee pals round - the lad bottom left of the picture, and the very slightly larger Dotty. I did my Sunday-Morning-Dad thing of whisking up a load of enormous pancakes (including Katie's Penguin Pancake) whilst slightly-worse-for-wear-other-adult sheltered under a duvet with hot-water-dog.

When I was this age, my family used to go to The Pancake Place in Perth. It was marvellous, and a great excuse to eat mountains of cream!

Then I did the Risk Assessment for Audio Soup, fixed Dotty's Charlie's bike, failed to understand how Son.2 had lost his shoes at the swimming pool, failed to buy emergency replacements at Asda, waved goodbye, and went to sleep on the sofa. Phew.

Proper Pancakes Recipe:
100g SR Flour
50g Caster suger
1 egg
1/2 tsp baking powder
bit of salt

Ladle onto hot, lightly oiled pan or griddle
Turn when the bubbles pop

Good with everything! (honey, bacon, eggs, chocolate spread, butter, salmon, cream cheese, pineapple...) ... but not all at the same time ;)

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