Shiny, shiny

The original plan of taking the kids climbing and then heading up to Dundee was revised and instead I took myself to the garage to strip, clean and rebuild Friday's rusty bike. Not much to it really. Take off old stuff and clean. Replace one busted spoke and true wheel, replace one rusty chain, replace brake callipers, attach pedals. Done. Took it out for a wee ride. It's a real bone shaker - straight forks and a stiff frame and I'd forgotten how much the aluminium frame transmits all the vibration. But it felt good even with the big front chain ring. I'll maybe try it one day this week and see how it goes.

Otherwise it was a rainy day. So naturally, a parent had to be visited. Mandy's - Dundee. And, horror of horrors, Currys had to be visited to buy, of all things, a new domestic suction device. Is there a less gratifying purchase than a hoover. Even a fancy shiny one. Really, it's a hoover. And to cap it all, I also found myself on eBay buying a new Vax hose for my garage hoover.

But, on the way to Dundee, we stopped off at the dump to dispose of some garage junk and the busted hoover (an Vax actually although a pretend Dyson one that I said at the time was a piece of shit and we should just buy the Dyson). Anyway, as I'm dumping the landfill, I spot a perfectly good Rhode Gear bike rack in the miscellaneous metal skip. I think to myself "that's a nice bicycle transportation rack with no signs of breakage or metal fatigue. I'll 'ave that." So I did, although the wee scaffie guy suggested that it would be appropriate to drop off a jar of Nescafe on my next visit. By way of thanks. Seems fair even though I've got a bike rack already but I'm on a high risk strategy of leaving it attached to the car, ripe for stealing (although I seriously doubt anyone could be arsed but who knows).

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