
By mollyblobs

Pink and blue

Still feeling really tired this evening - I think I might be brewing something as now I also have a headache and aching muscles. I've got to go and do a day's fieldwork in Dorset on Tuesday (cheap trains booked) so I just can't afford to be ill.

I walked the dogs along the river first this morning, in brilliant sunshine and a strong breeze. I met a lovely couple who were coming back from picking blackberries before eight (that's keen!) and while we were talking a couple of kingfishers flew past. The people had apparently seen an otter twice back in May, so I'll have to keep visiting early in the day in the hope of seeing one.

Not many photographs were taken, but I just loved the colour contrast of this. The backlit great willowherb flowers stand out so well against the deep blueof the river behind, and in large you can see all the glandular hairs on the pods. Anyway,at least it makes a change from insect macros!

Chris and I went to Ring Haw and did some NVC quadrats in an area of species-rich grassland that the Wildlife Trust have developed on a former arable field, and we then started another set in a former quarry area. Things slowed down after that - I was going to mow the lawn this afternoon but just as I was about to start it rained - I was so glad as I really didn't feel up to it.

I'm off to bed in a moment to try and shake off this bug - I'm afraid comments may be a bit limited for a day or two :(

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